System Wide Corrosion In Gold Mine
This site experienced many corrosion challenges due to the climate, acidic ore, low water quality and a lack of corrosion consideration in design. ICE deployed corrosion risk management program as well as reducing risk through corrosion engineering design.

Gold Mine Using Recycled Process Water
To reduce water use footprint in this remote, sensitive location, this mine recycles water. This results in high salinity in the process and washdown water leading to corrosion challenges. ICE deployed corrosion risk management program (with full site presence) as well as reducing risk through corrosion engineering design.

Corrosion Design And Early-Stage ICE Flow Corrosion Risk Management
Proactive client realized the severe corrosion risk for this project and engaged ICE to review the design for durability and provide Asset Integrity program design for operations.

Data-Informed Structural Integrity
This site had high levels of salinity in the washdown water which reduced the longevity of structural steel and coatings. Risk was understood through quantitative data collection to allow prioritization of maintenance work.

CIL Tank Preservation
After 1 year of operation, CIL process tank inspections revealed higher than expected wear and pitting corrosion. ICE specified liners and oversaw the project to line the tanks and increase service life.

Port Cathodic Protection: Coal Terminal
Coal terminal structures required an upgrade to their CP systems to ensure continuing longevity for their extended service life.

System Wide Corrosion In Gold Mine
This site experienced many corrosion challenges due to the climate, acidic ore, low water quality and a lack of corrosion consideration in design. ICE deployed corrosion risk management program as well as reducing risk through corrosion engineering design.

Gold Mine Using Recycled Process Water
To reduce water use footprint in this remote, sensitive location, this mine recycles water. This results in high salinity in the process and washdown water leading to corrosion challenges. ICE deployed corrosion risk management program (with full site presence) as well as reducing risk through corrosion engineering design.

Corrosion Design And Early-Stage ICE Flow Corrosion Risk Management
Proactive client realized the severe corrosion risk for this project and engaged ICE to review the design for durability and provide Asset Integrity program design for operations.

Data-Informed Structural Integrity
This site had high levels of salinity in the washdown water which reduced the longevity of structural steel and coatings. Risk was understood through quantitative data collection to allow prioritization of maintenance work.

CIL Tank Preservation
After 1 year of operation, CIL process tank inspections revealed higher than expected wear and pitting corrosion. ICE specified liners and oversaw the project to line the tanks and increase service life.

Port Cathodic Protection: Coal Terminal
Coal terminal structures required an upgrade to their CP systems to ensure continuing longevity for their extended service life.